Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 92 RIFLE - C18544 32-20 Winchester; 98% blue, very good bore, very good stock, 24'' barrel, Manufactured in 1923. Nicely commercially reblued metal finish, mounted in nicely refinished walnut with a light varnish finish and a crescent butt. Round barrel with fixed front... $2,065.50 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER 1894 SRC - Z35166 38-55 Winchester; fair bore, fair stock, 20'' barrel, Manufactured in 1912. Metal has turned patina overall with some rust spotting. Original plain walnut stock with crescent butt. Fixed front sight, missing the rear sight. Saddle ring mounted on left... $1,495.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1895 - C17391 30-06 Springfiel; 50% blue, fair bore, good stock, 24'' barrel, Manufactured in 1915. Original blue finish and walnut stock. Stamped on the left side of the receiver with the two-line Winchester adress and patent dates. The top of the receiver is stamped... $1,500.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER 1894 RIFLE - Z36061 25/35 WCF; 95% blue, very good bore, very good stock, 26'' barrel, Manufactured 1897. Bright original finish on metal & wood. Scattered light corrosion. The rpund barrel is equipped with a silver blade front sight and a 3 leaf folding rear sight... $2,995.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1895 - C21448 30-40 Krag; 80% blue, good bore, good stock, 28'' barrel, Manufactured in 1915. Original blue finish, casehardened frame and plain walnut stock with a shotgun butt. Round barrel with a Marbles No.11 beaded fixed front sight and buckhorn rear sight. Sling... $2,795.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1873 MUSKET - C18236 44 WCF; 97% blue, excellent bore, excellent stock, 30'' barrel, Manufactured in 1903. Original blue finish, casehardened lever and hammer, and original walnut stock. Complete with an original bayonet which is in excellent condition and a full set of... $7,950.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1886 - Z27823 40-65 Winchester; 75% blue, good bore, good stock, 26'' barrel, Manufactured in 1909. Special order with part round part octagon barrel and half magazine tube. Original blue finish and walnut stock with crescent butt. Marble #2 beaded front sight,... $3,950.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1873 MUSKET - C17585 44 WCF; 90% blue, excellent bore, excellent stock, 30'' barrel, Manufactured in 1903. Original blue finish and walnut stock. Stamped on top of the barrel with the Winchester address, King's Improvement and patent dates 1866 and 1860 in two lines. The... $6,400.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1895 - Z27818 40-72 Winchester; 75% blue, good bore, good stock, 26'' barrel, Manufactured in 1905. Original blue finish octagon barrel, fixed front sight with silver blade, elevation adjustable rear sight. Reblued receiver over a few areas of minor pitting, markings... $2,495.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER 1873 RIFLE - Z35176 32-20 Winchester; 75% blue, good bore, good stock, 24.25'' barrel, Manufactured in 1890. Original blued finish and plain walnut stock. Full octagon barrel with original fixed front sight and buckhorn elevation adjustable rear sight. Original dust cover... $2,995.00 Compare
SALE Quick view WINCHESTER 1892 RIFLE - C24511 25-20 WCF; poor bore, good stock, 24'' barrel, Made in 1908. Worn original finish and plain walnut stock. Octagon barrel with original silver blade fixed front and elevation adjustable buckhorn rear sight. Full magazine tube, crescent butt. Stamped on... $1,395.00 $1,130.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1892 RIFLE - Z27828 38-40 Winchester; 40% blue, good bore, fair stock, 24.25'' barrel, Manufactured in 1905. Original blue finish and plain walnut stock. Full octagon barrel, fixed front sight with silver blade, buckhorn style rear sight. Stamped on top of the barrel with... $1,495.00 Compare
SALE Quick view WINCHESTER 1885 LO-WALL - C8034 22 Caliber; 87% blue, fair bore, good stock, 28'' barrel, Winder Musket made approximately 1920, Lyman rear aperture sight intact, Bore may clean better, s/n 1267xx $1,895.00 $1,516.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1876 - C14867 45-60 Winchester; 60% blue, Good bore, good stock, 28'' barrel, Antique manufactured in 1882. Original blued finish on the metal and original walnut stock and forend. Excellent action. Full round barrel with 1000 yard ladder style rear sight and folding... $6,850.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 92 SRC - C17400 32-20 Winchester; fair bore, fair stock, 20'' barrel, Manufactured in 1924. Original metal finish and walnut stock. Fixed silver blade front sight with the original folding ladder rear sight. Saddle ring located on the left side of the frame. Stamped on... $1,695.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 94 - Z27812 30-30 Winchester; 90% blue, excellent bore, very good stock, 20'' barrel, Manufactured in 1951. Original blue finish and walnut stock. Custom hand engraved with scroll leaf on the frame and sides of the lever, borderand twist on the barrel band and upper... $1,895.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1886 - C17390 33 WCF; 50% blue, fair bore, good stock, 24'' barrel, Manufactured in 1911. Original blue finish, mounted in a walnut stock with shotgun butt. Half magazine tube. Stamped on the left side of the round barrel with a two-line Winchester adress and patent... $1,995.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1892 RIFLE - Z27829 32-20 Winchester; 50% blue, fair bore, fair stock, 24'' barrel, Manufactured in 1917. Original blue finish and plain walnut stock with crescent butt. Full octagon barrel with fixed front and elevation adjustable rear sights. Stamped over the left side of... $1,695.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1886 RIFLE - Z27836 33 WCF; 60% blue, fair bore, good stock, 24'' barrel, Manufactured in 1907. Original blue finish and plain walnut stock with shotgun butt. Round barrel with fixed front a elevation adjustable rear sights. Stamped on top of the barrel with the two-line... $4,250.00 Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER MODEL 1873 RIFLE - Z24340 44 WCF; 30% blue, Good bore, good stock, 24.5'' barrel, Manufactured in 1888. Full round barrel with fixed front sight with silver blade and buckhorn rear sight. The top of the barrel forward of the rear sight is marked "WINCHESTER'S-REPEATING ARMS. NEW... $3,495.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view WINCHESTER 06 PUMP - Z35170 22 LR; 50% blue, poor bore, good stock, 20'' barrel, Manufactured between 1935 and the start of WWII. Based on the serial number the gun was put together with remaining parts sometime after Winchester quit produing the Model 1906. Barrel is stamped "22... $700.00 Compare