Quick view FRENCH BOXLOCK SXS - C67274 16 Gauge; 70% blue, good bore, poor stock, 27.5'' barrel, Pre-war manufacture, made in France. Blued steel barrels with 2 9/16" chambers, Full/Modified chokes. Concave sunken matted rib with silver bead. Double underlugs, extractor. Barrels stamped on... $150.00 Compare
Quick view GUILD GUN SXS - Z73487 16 Gauge; 85% blue, very good bore, good stock, 28.25'' barrel, Manufactured in Belgium c.1950's. Color case hardened boxlock action with double triggers, crossbolt and sideclips. Blued finish barrels with 2 3/4" chambers. Full/Modified chokes. Concave... $395.00 Compare